divendres, 28 d’abril del 2017

Human Rights

Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 4.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

I think that's articles was the most important human rights, because that's true that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person because is the most important for life to life.
The reason to stay secure for living and don't shall be held in slavery or the slave trade because these was no human rights for the person was in slavery or slave trade for the torture that have the people who was slave trade.

diumenge, 23 d’abril del 2017

Films of Today

I mainly talk about the films that have marked major trends such as Alien, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, among other far more popular.

The filmmakers to see these films marked very significant trends have tried to express the full potential of marketing could get as much as product sales on the films as the films themselves, as no take a movie or two but you get much more engrossed in more people in the stories. This is because you want to extract money and no tendency to mark the film with other films more innovative than in the same genre, I mean that the filmmakers did not captivate the public with a film but to take money and so the public does not like, an example was the last Star Wars movie where people thought there was a new adventure but it was a setback in the history only to extract money to innovate in to the future so giving the public a bad taste to know what they were doing, truly understand that to make a film that you have a large investment of money but because they take more than seven films divided into chapters and this is what many people do not he likes.

A good film for me would be a maximum of three film but in these chapters will explain the entire content of adventure that captivates the audience and especially to entertain and not always for the same purpose.

Resultado de imagen de star wars

Saint George

Today, April 23 is a day all the more special by the people of Catalonia for its tradition of St. George and the Dragon, also for other people on the day of friendship and love. Today was my first year I gave a rose to someone dear and especially my mother is also a day to symbolize the Catalan literature so giving as a gift a book for parents, especially for me this year was very special've met many people and especially people who have shown me more than other people I know for years and today is a great day to dedicate this feeling these people so giving him a rose or a book.

A rose symbolizing friendship and love and a book symbolizing gratitude for having accompanied me during this time.
I have to thank the people who have made this day was very special for me.

Resultado de imagen de rosa de sant jordi