dilluns, 19 de setembre del 2016

A kinder, gentler philosophy of success

Alain de bottom: You know, we’re often told that we live in very materialistic times, that we’re all greedy people. I don’t think we are particularly materialistic. I think we live in a society which has simply pegged certain emotional rewards to the acquisition of material goods. It’s not the material goods we want; it’s the rewards we want. And that’s a new way of looking at luxury goods. The next time you see somebody driving a Ferrari, don’t think, “This is somebody who’s greedy.” Think, “This is somebody who is incredibly vulnerable and in need of love.” In other words, feel sympathy, rather than contempt.

According to this document that put Alain de Bottom, people are greedy because they materialistic today people need to have things in material and not an idea, here also comes a theme such as eating and capitalism, people you necessity to buy and buy, to meet their needs and this leads to a capitalist system and creating consumer needs for people to spend and consume.
Also the need to get a job to pay these consumisions and this leads to that people need to have '' race '' and '' work '' to pay for the needs of people, this I emphasize that everything is interrelated , consumerism, capitalism, envy, jobs or careers.

Alain de Bottom is a person which exposes and explains the situations of today's society and the world we live in, inequalities, equalities and feelings of people in specific fields.

Mainly talk about the feelings that a person under pressure to remove a race since today have a career to have '' work '' on the other hand calls to people who are snobbish, in which he says are people Necesito ideas to others after these people formulate their ideologies from a principal.

He says as he gives his opinion on the respect people who are greedy, often wear fancy things for lack of affection or friendship, on the other hand also speaks of envy but the example he says that if a person is you can not have known not envy her, but still there are people who are envious of other things that are even unknown person.

Also one of the other points that adopts Alain de Bottom are the successes and mistakes, says that we should not give up our ideas because they might succeed, and you need to focus on our ideas and make sure that we have the our own ambitions, you can also get to spend not come to have what we want but it's not that you know what you want to do and came to the conclusion that you do not like to have done.