The series begins when Elliot Alderson has no parents, lives alone in an improperly maintained floor and only have a computer to work, it has very few friends but knows everything about everyone in the works, as hacks all the privacy that people have in social networks.
Elliot works with a friend of Angela childhood, always Elliot tries to protect any threat to have their friends as it is a character that is not very sociable with other people, it is very closed and very quiet, always think inside their opinions but not expresses, usually to get rid of people who do not like to talk to them tell lies.
Later in the series can be seen that the parents of Elliot died in a company called Evil Corp, because working in a nuclear power plant and died of leukemia, as Elliot says at the beginning of the series, so we can deduce that it is a series that it is explained in first person in this case the character of Elliot.
But you can see that you are repairing cyberattacks but a person called Mr. Robot leaves a signal in that attack Fsociety, a group of hackers who attack multimilionarias companies to change the world as these companies control the lives of people .
Finally Elliot joins in that group, Fsociety, and begin to give cyber attacks on companies to go bankrupt and ruin, and as these companies have all data from all people, if you delete this data, all debts mortgage or banks are deleted and the economy would return to start from scratch, and people who had debts disappear and could re-start his life reacer.
But in the end of the first season you can see that Elliot suffers from amnesia drug, and suffers visions of his father. And so it ends the first season as still in broadcasting, and I'm anxious to see how it ends.
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