For my opinion, I think I've improved a lot the issue to make oral explanations so as to intervene more with people who listen to me to ask the questions, and I feel more free to explain any matter as much as the Gap Year or the Global Issues , that I think I've improved in order to be more free expression.
On the other hand I have to greatly enhance the nerves because in the video that I could hang some mistakes, I vee that I get very nervous in the Gap Year not so much because it was already quite safer than it had to say, but in the Global Issues was very nervous because I knew that I knew it by heart but at the time of being in front of friends is quite intimidating and hard to think of what you have to say at the right time, I will have to practice more to not be so ashamed and try to vocalize more.
But usually I think I've improved a lot of ESO, the baccalaureate, note that I have improved a lot the way you talk and use more advanced words in the English language.
diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016
Self Presentation
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#1Batx #3term,
diumenge, 22 de maig del 2016
I really love the sport, throughout my life I have been practicing sports, you could say that over ten sports (swimming, tennis, basketball, football, martial arts, surfing, and ultimately that's what I'm doing now broker and make routes with bicycle)
Sometimes I wonder that because I do much sport, I asked my parents and they told me that they also when they were young practicavan many sports to keep one they liked.
All this time I miss sport I have lived happy and sad moments, happy moments such as when you're doing something you really like and enjoy with people. And sad moments when we are in the European final of basketball and lost the final, but most important is to see and remember participated in our memory.
I also remember that tennis season win more than three consecutive league trophies being first.
Also in martial arts I have become blue belt, a fairly high level to poderte defend yourself, the most important of martial arts is not a hero but poderte save your life yourself in any situation of risk to lose life.
As you can ami watch the sport I love, and even more if you practice with people who also love, make friends, laugh with them, discuss stories from the past when you practicavas other sports, and enjoy fantastic places we have in the Alt Empordà.
Sometimes I wonder that because I do much sport, I asked my parents and they told me that they also when they were young practicavan many sports to keep one they liked.
All this time I miss sport I have lived happy and sad moments, happy moments such as when you're doing something you really like and enjoy with people. And sad moments when we are in the European final of basketball and lost the final, but most important is to see and remember participated in our memory.
I also remember that tennis season win more than three consecutive league trophies being first.
Also in martial arts I have become blue belt, a fairly high level to poderte defend yourself, the most important of martial arts is not a hero but poderte save your life yourself in any situation of risk to lose life.
As you can ami watch the sport I love, and even more if you practice with people who also love, make friends, laugh with them, discuss stories from the past when you practicavas other sports, and enjoy fantastic places we have in the Alt Empordà.
We talk about future
Honestly I see my future something a little wrong, as well as by economic issues this society today.
In the future I would like to be police, I would like to finish the high school and go to the police academy to power. On the other hand I also like to have some knowledge of computer to another, which I also like a lot, and may be separate police and make a cycle of computer telecommunications or audiovisual.
I have older friends old who have recommended me do the police as there are now very few objections as more times the better it will be to have possibilities, because instead of the cycle can only enter if you arrive in time to have a place.
But also thanks to a trainer self defense I have, told me that he would help me to enter more easily as oppositions, as here Spain are called (fiddles), so only need to finish high school to enter the academy.
I would like to sign up in the squad Mosso, civil guard in rangers, and if none of these I have been able to accept also sign up for firefighter.
And if I can not do any of this, I would try to work to go taking money for the future, and when opposition would sign up and go pulling me the title of computing.
In the future I would like to be police, I would like to finish the high school and go to the police academy to power. On the other hand I also like to have some knowledge of computer to another, which I also like a lot, and may be separate police and make a cycle of computer telecommunications or audiovisual.
I have older friends old who have recommended me do the police as there are now very few objections as more times the better it will be to have possibilities, because instead of the cycle can only enter if you arrive in time to have a place.
But also thanks to a trainer self defense I have, told me that he would help me to enter more easily as oppositions, as here Spain are called (fiddles), so only need to finish high school to enter the academy.
I would like to sign up in the squad Mosso, civil guard in rangers, and if none of these I have been able to accept also sign up for firefighter.
And if I can not do any of this, I would try to work to go taking money for the future, and when opposition would sign up and go pulling me the title of computing.
dissabte, 21 de maig del 2016
Can still evolve even more technology?
I sincerely believe that technology can evolve a bit more, but there will be a limit? Because in the 90s technology it was a great novelty, but now with only 26 years technology for improved very well, could be here about 26 years but the technology will have improved even more or will remain more or less the same?
Does not exist no electricity, nor mobiles or cars, or anything like that. But in a short time has been innovating technology, the car was created, electricity, television, computer, mobile, etc ..
And recently they have discovered that there is an even stronger for the internet (fiber optics) power, can be a future there more innovations how are you?
There may be more innovations in the future, but the question is the technology has improved the way of life or worsened?
For because of these innovations old things the launch to buy new, but these old women who make them, is reutilizen, but here derives the world of consumerism, creating the need that thing to be level that other people, to comunication with people, and if that had not existed it now or we would have a better world might please no.
What if I am sure that this world of consumerism has cast there is more pollution.
It's okay to have these new technologies for comunication with other people, but only buy what you need Minimally, you do not have 3 or 4 TVs, 1 already do enough, as with all electronic innovations, that's my opinion, consume but with a minimum only for the minimum necessary.
Because you do not go to the supermarket and buy 500 bottles of Coca-Cola, which possibility not get the finish all expire and the long time.
Does not exist no electricity, nor mobiles or cars, or anything like that. But in a short time has been innovating technology, the car was created, electricity, television, computer, mobile, etc ..
And recently they have discovered that there is an even stronger for the internet (fiber optics) power, can be a future there more innovations how are you?
There may be more innovations in the future, but the question is the technology has improved the way of life or worsened?
For because of these innovations old things the launch to buy new, but these old women who make them, is reutilizen, but here derives the world of consumerism, creating the need that thing to be level that other people, to comunication with people, and if that had not existed it now or we would have a better world might please no.
What if I am sure that this world of consumerism has cast there is more pollution.
It's okay to have these new technologies for comunication with other people, but only buy what you need Minimally, you do not have 3 or 4 TVs, 1 already do enough, as with all electronic innovations, that's my opinion, consume but with a minimum only for the minimum necessary.
Because you do not go to the supermarket and buy 500 bottles of Coca-Cola, which possibility not get the finish all expire and the long time.
what you walk really says about you
Researchers say this study has been done for a long time, people dress up and walk differently than other people, people can walk so quietly, but there are interactions that researchers say shows how that person itself.
In my opinion I think it's true because only set you in as you walk or wears you know more or less as it should be that person really well for the actions that people make when talking to another person can also know how it is, or the way he talks.
They did a test only in the way they walk, with people who did not know those people, researchers only recorded gait but did not show his face in any of the situations. Participants finally came to the same conclusion all and more or less everyone knew as was that person.
But also in my opinion not the way they walk is everything, also a person can have a bad day and talk bad or behave in different ways with people, for some reason angry or personal reasons. Also in my case I saw as a teenager, but it means that if I dress like a teenager or road or interacted as a teenager, means that my personality is not mature? It is possible, but in any case possibility not.
For more information:
In my opinion I think it's true because only set you in as you walk or wears you know more or less as it should be that person really well for the actions that people make when talking to another person can also know how it is, or the way he talks.
They did a test only in the way they walk, with people who did not know those people, researchers only recorded gait but did not show his face in any of the situations. Participants finally came to the same conclusion all and more or less everyone knew as was that person.
But also in my opinion not the way they walk is everything, also a person can have a bad day and talk bad or behave in different ways with people, for some reason angry or personal reasons. Also in my case I saw as a teenager, but it means that if I dress like a teenager or road or interacted as a teenager, means that my personality is not mature? It is possible, but in any case possibility not.
For more information:
White House shooting: Secret Service stops armed man
An unknown man enters the white house with a gun, and one of the secret security agents shoots her in the stomach to reduce it but not kill him. The bouncer told him to leave the gun a times, this was taken for questioning if that were an attack terrorsim.
Inside the White House he was not Barack Obama but Vice President Joe Briden, who was escorted to a place of safety if there were more people who wanted to enter the White House with gun.
Security lately White House is failing because need to make changes of execution, as you said Barack Obama, from this moment become more security for future attacks.
For example in recent years he has had attacks the white house: In April, Secret Service caught an intruder climbing over the White House fence.
In 2014, Iraq War veteran Omar Gonzalez jumped the White House fence and ran into the building with a knife. Also that year, a toddler squeezed through the gates of the fence and was caught on the lawn.
In 2013, one man tried to crash a jeep filled with knives and bullets into a security gate.
In 2011, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez shot at the White House and was charged with attempting to assassinate Mr Obama or a member of his staff.
Mr Ortega-Hernandez believed God had given him a personal mission to attack the White House, law enforcement sources said.
In addition today with atempts there, the secret service and the police must be more alert atempts like this case, both may be terrorists or resignation of some presidents.
A clear example is the attacks on Germany and France of yihjadists and ever will again, also in my opinion I think that as the United States is the city with one of the most potential in the world, attacking her to do more harm to others countries and to see that the terrorists have much power.
For more information:
Post at 7:41 of today.
Inside the White House he was not Barack Obama but Vice President Joe Briden, who was escorted to a place of safety if there were more people who wanted to enter the White House with gun.
Security lately White House is failing because need to make changes of execution, as you said Barack Obama, from this moment become more security for future attacks.
For example in recent years he has had attacks the white house: In April, Secret Service caught an intruder climbing over the White House fence.
In 2014, Iraq War veteran Omar Gonzalez jumped the White House fence and ran into the building with a knife. Also that year, a toddler squeezed through the gates of the fence and was caught on the lawn.
In 2013, one man tried to crash a jeep filled with knives and bullets into a security gate.
In 2011, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez shot at the White House and was charged with attempting to assassinate Mr Obama or a member of his staff.
Mr Ortega-Hernandez believed God had given him a personal mission to attack the White House, law enforcement sources said.
In addition today with atempts there, the secret service and the police must be more alert atempts like this case, both may be terrorists or resignation of some presidents.
A clear example is the attacks on Germany and France of yihjadists and ever will again, also in my opinion I think that as the United States is the city with one of the most potential in the world, attacking her to do more harm to others countries and to see that the terrorists have much power.
For more information:
Post at 7:41 of today.
Zika virus strain 'imported from the Americas' to Africa
The virus ''Zika'' it is transmitted by mosquitoes with daytime activity and has been isolated from various species. The potential risk of infection Zika virus may be limited to the distribution of species of mosquitoes that transmit, the most common symptoms of virus infection include mild headaches, efflorescence or maculopapular rash, fever, malaise, conjunctivitis and joint pain.
Microcephaly is degeneration or malformation of the brain that determines the birth of children with a head smaller than the normal size and sometimes causes death.
This virus was discovered in 1950, and now they have returned to Africa to symptoms in cases of diseases zika.
So researchers from these symptomas say is that you need people of Africa have vaccines for fight against disease zika, because it will be another geographic disaster for Africa and other continents, as is provided by mosquitos and these are desenvolupan very quickly.
Researchers say some people of africa is already immune to this disease by vaccines from generation to generation, but children who are born and that has not been transmitted to them the vaccine zika these suffer from the disease, and they must avoid.
For more info:
Microcephaly is degeneration or malformation of the brain that determines the birth of children with a head smaller than the normal size and sometimes causes death.
This virus was discovered in 1950, and now they have returned to Africa to symptoms in cases of diseases zika.
So researchers from these symptomas say is that you need people of Africa have vaccines for fight against disease zika, because it will be another geographic disaster for Africa and other continents, as is provided by mosquitos and these are desenvolupan very quickly.
Researchers say some people of africa is already immune to this disease by vaccines from generation to generation, but children who are born and that has not been transmitted to them the vaccine zika these suffer from the disease, and they must avoid.
For more info:
dijous, 19 de maig del 2016
Prohibition of independence flags on soccer fields
Lately people who have a nationalistic pride or pride in being a football team, wearing flags or shirts to symbolize that are one group or another, friendly people respect that pride with each other and enjoy watching the football games .
But the Spanish government does not want people to live independent flags on soccer fields, and I wonder why? In case we are in a dictatorship or a dictatorship camouflaged?
The government allows us the freedom of expression but not the speech but the pride of being a group or another, besides the flag of independence of Catalonia is not officially established but it is a symbol of meaning, so that if the independence flag not is not official may be, that can not carry the flag of Spain which is official, I say ...
It's not fair, at these points indicates that the government is not a democracy, force us to do things we do not take any damage, apart from the ultras who fight for their pride, on the other hand I do not see the problem to carry a flag of independence without harming anyone but express your feelings.
It is understood that the government does not want to be independent for some reasons, but what they are doing now is anger or hate, can not deprive unable to bring independence flags when it is a democracy, because we are deprived of freedom of expression.
And I feel very good that the independence leader Puigdemont not go to the field for this case and many people do not go for this reason, to see if the government realizes that this doing wrong, because every time the Catalan people will take you more rage government and could lead to conflict in the future.
Link for a more information:

''For a freer nation''
But the Spanish government does not want people to live independent flags on soccer fields, and I wonder why? In case we are in a dictatorship or a dictatorship camouflaged?
The government allows us the freedom of expression but not the speech but the pride of being a group or another, besides the flag of independence of Catalonia is not officially established but it is a symbol of meaning, so that if the independence flag not is not official may be, that can not carry the flag of Spain which is official, I say ...
It's not fair, at these points indicates that the government is not a democracy, force us to do things we do not take any damage, apart from the ultras who fight for their pride, on the other hand I do not see the problem to carry a flag of independence without harming anyone but express your feelings.
It is understood that the government does not want to be independent for some reasons, but what they are doing now is anger or hate, can not deprive unable to bring independence flags when it is a democracy, because we are deprived of freedom of expression.
And I feel very good that the independence leader Puigdemont not go to the field for this case and many people do not go for this reason, to see if the government realizes that this doing wrong, because every time the Catalan people will take you more rage government and could lead to conflict in the future.
Link for a more information:
''For a freer nation''
The politics of extreme right
Today the extreme right of different countries are rising much, by different political investigations is due because of bad governors, by terrorism, racism, also by the economic crisi.
It is also because of the politicians we have had and that people have voted have said things that would and have not complied and people are tired of this and want a radical change.
But of course if the right-wing political positions, they could get to have the absolute majority of voters, many people would also be astustada one hand so they could get to do if a radical party up to be a ruler ...
Such as in the time of Hitler entered for democracy and was voted by a majority, and finally proclaimed himself dictator if that happened here would happen?
It is a question I ask to myself and surely many people also have, if a radical power comes to govern what will happen in the future? As Donald Trump said that if the liderase would make all immigrants were from the US, but and know where are their origins? He has Indian-American descent? It is somewhat contradictory because nothing is nobody.
I sincerely believe that if there comes a radical leader, things would change but not if for good.
It is also because of the politicians we have had and that people have voted have said things that would and have not complied and people are tired of this and want a radical change.
But of course if the right-wing political positions, they could get to have the absolute majority of voters, many people would also be astustada one hand so they could get to do if a radical party up to be a ruler ...
Such as in the time of Hitler entered for democracy and was voted by a majority, and finally proclaimed himself dictator if that happened here would happen?
It is a question I ask to myself and surely many people also have, if a radical power comes to govern what will happen in the future? As Donald Trump said that if the liderase would make all immigrants were from the US, but and know where are their origins? He has Indian-American descent? It is somewhat contradictory because nothing is nobody.
I sincerely believe that if there comes a radical leader, things would change but not if for good.
Mr. Robot ( Proadcast Series )
The series is about a boy named Elliot Alderson which is a hacker working in a company called allsafe where it protects the company from any computer any hacker attack.
The series begins when Elliot Alderson has no parents, lives alone in an improperly maintained floor and only have a computer to work, it has very few friends but knows everything about everyone in the works, as hacks all the privacy that people have in social networks.
Elliot works with a friend of Angela childhood, always Elliot tries to protect any threat to have their friends as it is a character that is not very sociable with other people, it is very closed and very quiet, always think inside their opinions but not expresses, usually to get rid of people who do not like to talk to them tell lies.
Later in the series can be seen that the parents of Elliot died in a company called Evil Corp, because working in a nuclear power plant and died of leukemia, as Elliot says at the beginning of the series, so we can deduce that it is a series that it is explained in first person in this case the character of Elliot.
But you can see that you are repairing cyberattacks but a person called Mr. Robot leaves a signal in that attack Fsociety, a group of hackers who attack multimilionarias companies to change the world as these companies control the lives of people .
Finally Elliot joins in that group, Fsociety, and begin to give cyber attacks on companies to go bankrupt and ruin, and as these companies have all data from all people, if you delete this data, all debts mortgage or banks are deleted and the economy would return to start from scratch, and people who had debts disappear and could re-start his life reacer.
But in the end of the first season you can see that Elliot suffers from amnesia drug, and suffers visions of his father. And so it ends the first season as still in broadcasting, and I'm anxious to see how it ends.
The series begins when Elliot Alderson has no parents, lives alone in an improperly maintained floor and only have a computer to work, it has very few friends but knows everything about everyone in the works, as hacks all the privacy that people have in social networks.
Elliot works with a friend of Angela childhood, always Elliot tries to protect any threat to have their friends as it is a character that is not very sociable with other people, it is very closed and very quiet, always think inside their opinions but not expresses, usually to get rid of people who do not like to talk to them tell lies.
Later in the series can be seen that the parents of Elliot died in a company called Evil Corp, because working in a nuclear power plant and died of leukemia, as Elliot says at the beginning of the series, so we can deduce that it is a series that it is explained in first person in this case the character of Elliot.
But you can see that you are repairing cyberattacks but a person called Mr. Robot leaves a signal in that attack Fsociety, a group of hackers who attack multimilionarias companies to change the world as these companies control the lives of people .
Finally Elliot joins in that group, Fsociety, and begin to give cyber attacks on companies to go bankrupt and ruin, and as these companies have all data from all people, if you delete this data, all debts mortgage or banks are deleted and the economy would return to start from scratch, and people who had debts disappear and could re-start his life reacer.
But in the end of the first season you can see that Elliot suffers from amnesia drug, and suffers visions of his father. And so it ends the first season as still in broadcasting, and I'm anxious to see how it ends.
Today youtube has developed very well, more and more people in this world who do things they like, so much can be done vlogs, as critics of video games, or just do silly things.
This website like youtube is the most visited Internet because on the one hand many people can live it, thanks to having subscribers and displays the videos. For just making videos that people like to hang and other people like.
Since today many people who want to see something turns to youtube to see some tutorial or instructions, before everything was handwritten, now today already uses the Internet.
Such as the nines social networks, as many politicians or well-known people hang posts criticizing or giving an opinion on something and many people still, is the same as on youtube but youtube pay in exchange for subscribers and visualizations.
Many say that the principle youtubers entering youtube afraid, you have shame but when you take a lot of time doing it is as if it were already part of your life.
This is what I want to refer that many people today are distracted watching videos of people who do not know but think like them or have the same opinion on a subject, everything and when that person does not really know how it is.
On the other band youtube is enriched money for ads that occurs when sometimes open a video, because advertising pays youtube to announce an announcement before issuing the video, thanks to that youtube has benefits aside, because otherwise youtube You could not pay people who have partner.
If you are a person who has been lucky in the world of youtube and have many followers and people vee your videos, you have a salary, doing something that you like but behind all that there is much work to prepare videos, as if you always do the same thing in the end people will end up getting bored.

Handwritten: escrit a mà
Partner: Partnership es la possibiltat que dona Google-Youtube per el contingut de videos que tu fas per el material audio-visual.
This website like youtube is the most visited Internet because on the one hand many people can live it, thanks to having subscribers and displays the videos. For just making videos that people like to hang and other people like.
Since today many people who want to see something turns to youtube to see some tutorial or instructions, before everything was handwritten, now today already uses the Internet.
Such as the nines social networks, as many politicians or well-known people hang posts criticizing or giving an opinion on something and many people still, is the same as on youtube but youtube pay in exchange for subscribers and visualizations.
Many say that the principle youtubers entering youtube afraid, you have shame but when you take a lot of time doing it is as if it were already part of your life.
This is what I want to refer that many people today are distracted watching videos of people who do not know but think like them or have the same opinion on a subject, everything and when that person does not really know how it is.
On the other band youtube is enriched money for ads that occurs when sometimes open a video, because advertising pays youtube to announce an announcement before issuing the video, thanks to that youtube has benefits aside, because otherwise youtube You could not pay people who have partner.
If you are a person who has been lucky in the world of youtube and have many followers and people vee your videos, you have a salary, doing something that you like but behind all that there is much work to prepare videos, as if you always do the same thing in the end people will end up getting bored.
Handwritten: escrit a mà
Partner: Partnership es la possibiltat que dona Google-Youtube per el contingut de videos que tu fas per el material audio-visual.
Curriculum vitae (letter to find work)
018 Avennue Toribio
Castellò d'Empúries
1st April 2016
Infinity Ward
Los Angeles, Encino
196 Brooklyn
Dear Mr. Robinson,
i'm interested in working in the community of Infinity Ward, I have the quality of programme, I can do any diverse of virtual reality and I have an specialist of physics. I do you need any programmer for the new videogame of this year.
I residence near where they need workers. If you could send me information I would give you my phone number for any possibilities to work.
Phone number: 635450617
Yours sincerely, Isaac.
dilluns, 9 de maig del 2016
Story of stuff: Any solutions?
planned obsolescence
The planned obsolescence js based to one product fails to a long the years, and need the buying another new. is a method for invest in the echonomy and do not spending money for the technology.
But this reaction needs to make a news products, and increase the pollution.
And was a problem because they increase pollution and don't do anything about, and was a problem because to a long time have more pollution of which we have had.

Recycling is one of the solution to resolve the problem of the pollution, but don't all the polution, decrease a little bit of the pollution.
Envoirentment movement
This is one of the soulution to resolve the problem of the pollution, they need to say the government to needs changes for the echonomy. Need actions to the polbation for need a reaction to the government and the government see we have problems.
Civil rights movement
It is also one of the ways in which the population gives his opinion the government and wants the population. The government saw these movements would have to make a change in the direction of improvements for working people.
Anti apartheid
Also people who are immigrant must have the same rights as any cuidadano, can be both European and US, Because we do not like to have we discriminate us when we go to another country in need of aid, whether economic or war (as today the Syrian population).
Moreover also in my opinion, people should only consume the minimum necessary to be able to live or survive, as the waste generated in the long run is a large amount of waste.
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