- 2 hours ago
- Technology 26/02/2017 20:11
divendres, 5 de maig del 2017
Explotation of immigrants
divendres, 28 d’abril del 2017
Human Rights
Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
I think that's articles was the most important human rights, because that's true that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person because is the most important for life to life.
The reason to stay secure for living and don't shall be held in slavery or the slave trade because these was no human rights for the person was in slavery or slave trade for the torture that have the people who was slave trade.
The reason to stay secure for living and don't shall be held in slavery or the slave trade because these was no human rights for the person was in slavery or slave trade for the torture that have the people who was slave trade.
diumenge, 23 d’abril del 2017
Films of Today
I mainly talk about the films that have marked major trends such as Alien, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, among other far more popular.
The filmmakers to see these films marked very significant trends have tried to express the full potential of marketing could get as much as product sales on the films as the films themselves, as no take a movie or two but you get much more engrossed in more people in the stories. This is because you want to extract money and no tendency to mark the film with other films more innovative than in the same genre, I mean that the filmmakers did not captivate the public with a film but to take money and so the public does not like, an example was the last Star Wars movie where people thought there was a new adventure but it was a setback in the history only to extract money to innovate in to the future so giving the public a bad taste to know what they were doing, truly understand that to make a film that you have a large investment of money but because they take more than seven films divided into chapters and this is what many people do not he likes.
A good film for me would be a maximum of three film but in these chapters will explain the entire content of adventure that captivates the audience and especially to entertain and not always for the same purpose.
The filmmakers to see these films marked very significant trends have tried to express the full potential of marketing could get as much as product sales on the films as the films themselves, as no take a movie or two but you get much more engrossed in more people in the stories. This is because you want to extract money and no tendency to mark the film with other films more innovative than in the same genre, I mean that the filmmakers did not captivate the public with a film but to take money and so the public does not like, an example was the last Star Wars movie where people thought there was a new adventure but it was a setback in the history only to extract money to innovate in to the future so giving the public a bad taste to know what they were doing, truly understand that to make a film that you have a large investment of money but because they take more than seven films divided into chapters and this is what many people do not he likes.
A good film for me would be a maximum of three film but in these chapters will explain the entire content of adventure that captivates the audience and especially to entertain and not always for the same purpose.
Saint George
Today, April 23 is a day all the more special by the people of Catalonia for its tradition of St. George and the Dragon, also for other people on the day of friendship and love. Today was my first year I gave a rose to someone dear and especially my mother is also a day to symbolize the Catalan literature so giving as a gift a book for parents, especially for me this year was very special've met many people and especially people who have shown me more than other people I know for years and today is a great day to dedicate this feeling these people so giving him a rose or a book.
A rose symbolizing friendship and love and a book symbolizing gratitude for having accompanied me during this time.
I have to thank the people who have made this day was very special for me.

A rose symbolizing friendship and love and a book symbolizing gratitude for having accompanied me during this time.
I have to thank the people who have made this day was very special for me.
dijous, 9 de març del 2017
Is love overrated?
diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2017
Nokia 3310 mobile phone resurrected at MWC 2017
Nokia phone back on sale after 17 years after that consider a phone icon to its popularity in more than 126 million copies before 2005, the new version that are making this launch in Finland, where says an expert to give back the sale of Nokia's technology today is fantastic for its popularity and purchase get.
He made the announcement of the launch and when they expose the phone that Huawei have a true and perfect, which proposes to make the creation of Nokia lasts for long life without abstinence to be a mobile phone unique for each person but with very good performance by the technology employed today.

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39095127
He made the announcement of the launch and when they expose the phone that Huawei have a true and perfect, which proposes to make the creation of Nokia lasts for long life without abstinence to be a mobile phone unique for each person but with very good performance by the technology employed today.
Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39095127
By Leo KelionTechnology desk editor
Oscars 2017: Who's predicted to win, and other things to look out for
The first candidate is La La Land, with a record 14 nominations, one of which DESTINATIONS trafficking ecstasy and agony, secondly Moonlight told a film centered on a Hollywood character young, gay, black man marginalized.
With the best actors Emma Stone If La La Land is to sweep the board, Emma Stone then it will sweep along with it. She's also at the age, and the stage of her career, at which the Academy likes to admit female stars to its list. Moreover better actor Denzel Washington is probably the marginal favorite in this race. If I wins, I will become only the fourth man to have won three acting Oscars, will be the oldest and best actor winner for 25 years.
And the best support actors Viola Davis (Fences)
Playing the same role earned that her Tony Award on Broadway, Viola is, according to the bookies and the pundits, the Southeast thing in this year's Oscars.
Mahershala Ali (Moonlight)
Ali Was standout performer in the ensemble's Moonlight. And with a role in Figures Hidden Among His credits also I is another actor is ready to anoint the Academy as a major star.

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-38716724
With the best actors Emma Stone If La La Land is to sweep the board, Emma Stone then it will sweep along with it. She's also at the age, and the stage of her career, at which the Academy likes to admit female stars to its list. Moreover better actor Denzel Washington is probably the marginal favorite in this race. If I wins, I will become only the fourth man to have won three acting Oscars, will be the oldest and best actor winner for 25 years.
And the best support actors Viola Davis (Fences)
Playing the same role earned that her Tony Award on Broadway, Viola is, according to the bookies and the pundits, the Southeast thing in this year's Oscars.
Mahershala Ali (Moonlight)
Ali Was standout performer in the ensemble's Moonlight. And with a role in Figures Hidden Among His credits also I is another actor is ready to anoint the Academy as a major star.
Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-38716724
- 26 February 2017
- From the sectionEntertainment & Arts 26/02/2017 20:00
Bill Paxton, actor known for Aliens and Titanic, dies aged 61
The actor Bill Paxton actor is best known for his science fiction documents, has died at 61 years for the first operation complications, the best venues exits terminator, Apollo 13, true lines, Among titanic Ministry. Paxton won an Emmy for its performance television Hatflied and McCoy, also had a Golden Globe nominations for best actor in the role of theater of Big Love, pot is silent see this as an actor if loved by Rob Lowe when he published the sudden loss of your Twitter and your friends.
One of the actors is honestly I can recognize that it deserved its filmic race in which great films collaborated among the TV series.
Lee Curtis also shared his sadness on twitter dien he had been an actor with impressive talent and a lot of fun, to another part of Bill passion for the arts as an actor was very large as life was for him to work that.

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-39097834
One of the actors is honestly I can recognize that it deserved its filmic race in which great films collaborated among the TV series.
Lee Curtis also shared his sadness on twitter dien he had been an actor with impressive talent and a lot of fun, to another part of Bill passion for the arts as an actor was very large as life was for him to work that.
Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-39097834
- 1 hour ago
- From the sectionEntertainment & Arts 26/02/2017 19:38
Germany hate crime: Nearly 10 attacks a day on migrants in 2016
A German Increasingly there are more attacks of 10 Atacks mainstay in any immigrants in 2016 with a total of 560 people injured. The decision taken Merkel is try to help people escape on these attacks and impose olten more security after the terrorist attacks in Europe, for other reasons more and more immigrants seeking help to enter Europe this accommodation leads food, work and security Thing that Europe can not solve so quickly as in a few countries are in crisis, also for terrorist attacks kill as many people as European immigrants refugees entails being in a state of high alert but this counter-attacks.
Honestly I'm very sorry to me see these situations as they see innocent people killed and others had none no intention to hurt anyone so transforming a state of war and in living afraid to go outside to know that you can kill.

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39096833
Honestly I'm very sorry to me see these situations as they see innocent people killed and others had none no intention to hurt anyone so transforming a state of war and in living afraid to go outside to know that you can kill.
Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39096833
- 2 hours ago
- From the sectionEurope 26/02/2017 19:26
Oral Presentation
Etiquetes de comentaris:
#1Batx #2term #OralPresentation
Jasvinder Sanghera: I ran away to escape a forced marriage
Sanghera was locked in a room by his parents when he was 16 years old when he
refused to marry the man they had chosen for her.
This girl
escaped with a guy for not wanting to marry obligation of their parents, many
foreign countries parents have total control over their children, but I do this
I see very bad because basically your son or daughter that you decide what you
want, on the other hand there were also male gives more freedom than women for
generations back on masculinity and superiority of women, many people today is
trying to fight inequality because men and women today still present in
society, although there has been a great improvement for equality for women as
much political as economic.
To my mind
today everyone has the same right as much as the other, economically, politically
or socially, everyone be treated just because obviously within the legal
framework before everything we are humans and especially this girl tells a part
of being forced to marry a stranger and by others to mistreat I see it because
it is truly terrible mistreatment and physically and psychologically while
people from countries like India do not give any solution to fix society.
- 24 February 2017
- From the sectionMagazine 26/02/2017 15:21
Isaac Bardes Cantenys Sistemes Tàctics del Basquetbol de l'Alt Empordà
El basquetball és un dels jocs més populars d'Espanya i aqui a Catalunya no és diferent. Però tot el món el juga de la mateixa manera? He observat els diferents equips de la comarca i he pogut observar-ho. Me centrat en el sector del nivell senior del Figueres, Castellò, Vilamalla i Roses.
Els meus objectius en aquest treball han sigut primer investigar els sistemes tactics i metodes de joc que empraven els diferents equips i veure quines diferencies o igualtats tenen entre ells, per altra part també concloure quins metodes són els més eficaços per emprar un bon atac tàctic.
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Spain. and here in Catalonia is not different. But, does everyone play in the same way? I have analized the different teams of the l'Alt Empordà. Among those teams, I have focused on the senior levels of Figueres, Castellò, Vilamalla and Roses.
My objectives are to investigate the different tactics and methods that are used by these teas and to see the differences and similarities, and which methods are more eficient to use in a more agressive tactic.
El basquetball és un dels jocs més populars d'Espanya i aqui a Catalunya no és diferent. Però tot el món el juga de la mateixa manera? He observat els diferents equips de la comarca i he pogut observar-ho. Me centrat en el sector del nivell senior del Figueres, Castellò, Vilamalla i Roses.
Els meus objectius en aquest treball han sigut primer investigar els sistemes tactics i metodes de joc que empraven els diferents equips i veure quines diferencies o igualtats tenen entre ells, per altra part també concloure quins metodes són els més eficaços per emprar un bon atac tàctic.
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Spain. and here in Catalonia is not different. But, does everyone play in the same way? I have analized the different teams of the l'Alt Empordà. Among those teams, I have focused on the senior levels of Figueres, Castellò, Vilamalla and Roses.
My objectives are to investigate the different tactics and methods that are used by these teas and to see the differences and similarities, and which methods are more eficient to use in a more agressive tactic.
diumenge, 29 de gener del 2017
The concern students
We students have the concern of having a future in which we want to spend more than we like, but most people do not know what it's like to have more, some have some imagination more or less than they like.
In another part of me likes mathematics and computer science, which many people say that the computer has a great future, but I do not see clearly, is that technology is evolving but also evolves as evolves robots they do the work of humans, that's what worries me, robots that do not demand a salary or consume as much as a human and they do the same job or even more.
I can say that the future of this young decade we are very blurry, if we study, but who assures us that we will have a stable job? This is what I ask myself often blurred future. That have knowledge of mathematics or computer but not me that you have a job in future only have knowledge of something.
In another part of me likes mathematics and computer science, which many people say that the computer has a great future, but I do not see clearly, is that technology is evolving but also evolves as evolves robots they do the work of humans, that's what worries me, robots that do not demand a salary or consume as much as a human and they do the same job or even more.
I can say that the future of this young decade we are very blurry, if we study, but who assures us that we will have a stable job? This is what I ask myself often blurred future. That have knowledge of mathematics or computer but not me that you have a job in future only have knowledge of something.
Human behavior in society today
I sincerely believe that humans today we only look to what we are interested in and what matters to us, things that are happening to others does not give much importance.
I noticed that people only move by interest in something both benefit money to get something in return.
Several years ago the ESO between us we helped some friends some materials were a matter that they gave them good and others did other exercises and we exchanged, I mean that people do something a person asks them respect but with a common interest. A person will not work for you for free but, a person will do what his mother tells him not to be angry mother and you remove the mobile or what matter most. Basically the company moves to interest only that, we also believe that it has become more aggressive than before due to wars or corrupt politicians who steal our money so that people do not like much, also aggressively protecting the everything what you are interested and achieve cost, such as money.
So I said to myself that move to inerest, but people are not going to pass something that shows no benefit,
I noticed that people only move by interest in something both benefit money to get something in return.
Several years ago the ESO between us we helped some friends some materials were a matter that they gave them good and others did other exercises and we exchanged, I mean that people do something a person asks them respect but with a common interest. A person will not work for you for free but, a person will do what his mother tells him not to be angry mother and you remove the mobile or what matter most. Basically the company moves to interest only that, we also believe that it has become more aggressive than before due to wars or corrupt politicians who steal our money so that people do not like much, also aggressively protecting the everything what you are interested and achieve cost, such as money.
So I said to myself that move to inerest, but people are not going to pass something that shows no benefit,
The maze runner
The maze runner is one of the movies that I liked this year, not only by actor Dylan O'Brien but the plot is inside the companionship.
This film teaches you that thanks to the friendship can achieve everything you want to gain confidence with another part of others. Today this should ever lost people more autonomy and more distrustful and selfish, we're going to a world of hatred and contempt for others, this film made me think about how the world is going today .
One example is Donald Trump wants nothing of foreigners distrust or hatred, but that would be like since it best one day these people will be able to help him, I think so if you do a good a person later that person will remember you for the help, but there are also people helping them then not help, it is true, but most assistance.
That in this society there are still good people and others who, for economic, religious, or even for personal gain or interest. But at this point I think it would be best to help people who need it, because you're in the case of people who are going on wrong would not want for yourself so there for each other.
This film teaches you that thanks to the friendship can achieve everything you want to gain confidence with another part of others. Today this should ever lost people more autonomy and more distrustful and selfish, we're going to a world of hatred and contempt for others, this film made me think about how the world is going today .
One example is Donald Trump wants nothing of foreigners distrust or hatred, but that would be like since it best one day these people will be able to help him, I think so if you do a good a person later that person will remember you for the help, but there are also people helping them then not help, it is true, but most assistance.
That in this society there are still good people and others who, for economic, religious, or even for personal gain or interest. But at this point I think it would be best to help people who need it, because you're in the case of people who are going on wrong would not want for yourself so there for each other.
dijous, 12 de gener del 2017
Scenario: Medical offices in Miami
Character: Doctor Menguele, Eustaquia
Dr: Hello ma'am
Eustaquia: Hey, how are you doing Dr?
Dr: Fine, thank you, but let's get straight to the point, I'm busy
Eustaquia: Dr I told you I need a liposuction
Dr: Of course, miss...
Eustaquia: Eustaquia, came the last week
Dr: That's it, I had it on my tongue's astip tho operation is programmed in one hour, Meanwhile, take a seat
Eustaquia: Ok, great thanks for your time Dr, I know you are so busy
Dr: I'll tell you when everything's ready
Eustaquia: By the way Dr you look gorgeous have you ever done yourself a liposcution? Because you look god demn gorgeous
Dr: Of course I did, well, not myself, obviously, I asked some collagues. I always wanted to look like John Cena, you know
Eustaquia: Wow! I want to be miss California this year, I have thought about going to some beauty contests
Dr: That's great, after we've done with you, you'll be able to
Eustaquia: Yeah
Dr: Now, proceed to the next room
After some hours working, the Dr meets Mrs. Eustaquia to discuss the results
Dr: So, how did it go?
Eustaquia: Perfect! I love it, I feel like I could eat the world now!
Dr: That's nice, I hope to see you soon madamme
Eustaquia: I'm sure you will...
Character: Doctor Menguele, Eustaquia
Dr: Hello ma'am
Eustaquia: Hey, how are you doing Dr?
Dr: Fine, thank you, but let's get straight to the point, I'm busy
Eustaquia: Dr I told you I need a liposuction
Dr: Of course, miss...
Eustaquia: Eustaquia, came the last week
Dr: That's it, I had it on my tongue's astip tho operation is programmed in one hour, Meanwhile, take a seat
Eustaquia: Ok, great thanks for your time Dr, I know you are so busy
Dr: I'll tell you when everything's ready
Eustaquia: By the way Dr you look gorgeous have you ever done yourself a liposcution? Because you look god demn gorgeous
Dr: Of course I did, well, not myself, obviously, I asked some collagues. I always wanted to look like John Cena, you know
Eustaquia: Wow! I want to be miss California this year, I have thought about going to some beauty contests
Dr: That's great, after we've done with you, you'll be able to
Eustaquia: Yeah
Dr: Now, proceed to the next room
After some hours working, the Dr meets Mrs. Eustaquia to discuss the results
Dr: So, how did it go?
Eustaquia: Perfect! I love it, I feel like I could eat the world now!
Dr: That's nice, I hope to see you soon madamme
Eustaquia: I'm sure you will...
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